Lesson 2.5 — Texts

Katrina Luong
1 min readOct 5, 2020

Before lesson 2.5 I did not realize the importance of texts and that the study of texts and religion can go beyond looking at books. What I learned from this lesson is that religious texts can be examined through a number of aspects and can be interpreted in different ways. Texts can range from novels, fiction, literature, poetry, film, and can also be found on the internet. In the past, scholars assumed that the only way to learn about religious traditions is to examine in detail the texts that are being displayed. By reading a text is simply a starting point but there is more to just knowing or understanding it. The study of religious texts is not only what can be understood from the texts but it also allows us to understand how it applies within a cultural and social context. When analyzing texts it is good to have an idea where it comes from, who writes it, and how it is meant to be read. Texts play a significant role in the study of religion as they help us to understand how people in a specific environment connect to religious ideas, practices, and traditions.

